It started with our father...
... who was diagnosed with a rare stomach cancer. As scientists and educators in the field of genomics, molecular biology and physics, we went on a deep dive looking for answers. So, we decided to analyze his DNA for possible hidden clues or answers. In our search, we found the variant that may have caused the cancer. Realizing that if we knew about his genetic predisposition much earlier, this disease could have been predicted and possibly prevented before it was too late.
So we kept going and Predictiv was born.

प्रिडिक्टिव का मिशन सरल है - लोगों को परम सुखी, स्वस्थ और लंबे जीवन के लिए समाधान प्रदान करना।
We believe that
health systems need to shift from "sick" care to "well" care.
everyone should have access to affordable personalized and precision health care.
diseases and poor health outcomes can be predicted and prevented with the right tools and people.
Our Team

सजुंग यूनु
सीईओ और कोफाउंडर
जॉन्स हॉपकिन्स विश्वविद्यालय adj. प्रोफेसर, बायोमेडिकल साइंसेज पीएचडी, एमबीए,
3 बार संस्थापक
सजुंग यूनु
सीईओ और कोफाउंडर
जॉन्स हॉपकिन्स विश्वविद्यालय adj. प्रोफेसर, बायोमेडिकल साइंसेज पीएचडी, एमबीए,
3 बार संस्थापक
सजुंग यूनु
सीईओ और कोफाउंडर
जॉन्स हॉपकिन्स विश्वविद्यालय adj. प्रोफेसर, बायोमेडिकल साइंसेज पीएचडी, एमबीए,
3 बार संस्थापक

Sijung Yun, PhD
Johns Hopkins University
Adjunct Professor
Bioinformatics Expert at NIH

Mhy-Lanie Adduru, MD
Translational Genomics and Clinical Bioinformatics from Johns Hopkins
Genomics Clinical Research